bigboy assyrianbros730
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Friendship test
My friendship was tested in a big way. On one Thursday evening my I was doing a routine face time with my best friend Chris R. He was freaking out. Not crying but I could tell something was wrong just by the way he said hello. I asked him whats wrong and he kept saying there was nothing wrong but there obviously was. I finally got him to tell me y saying that I'm his best friend and I won't say anything. He knew that was true so he told me. He said that he owed this guy $230 because he bought shoes from him a while ago and he couldn't pay for them because his dad took all his money. He said that he would sell his shoes for $70 and he still needed $160. I was struck with a decision. Should I give him the money and get in trouble with my parents or not give him the money and he get in trouble with his parents. I decided that I wouldn't give it to him because I didn't have a lot of money and plus I didn't want to get in trouble with my mom. He was talking about how non of his friends were helping him and he had known them since kg. I sprang up out of my bed and went to my moms room to get my money. I grabbed $100 and told him i would give it to him. He was so happy but then he said that the money was due my May 1st. He's Greek so his Easter is on a May 1st. He said that he would take money out of hs Easter money and pay him. Then he realized that there was know way to get the guy the money. As i realized this so did he. He had to give the guy the money before Easter because his family would be coming over so nobody could give him a ride. He needed $60 more. I jumped out of bed and I got $60 and when I showed it to him. He almost started crying. HE was so happy. He started saying how much he loved and how I was a brother to him. I started to cry a little bit and he asked me if I was crying and I acted like I wasn't. My mom found out a couple of days later because she looked at my money. She was pretty mad but she got over it in a short time.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Endings and Beginnings
At the end of this summer I want to look back at the end of this year and say that I completed my goals that I set. My goals are to beat my best mile time, make amends with everyone I have done something wrong to, not sit in the office ever again. I have one more but that is coming later. My goals for this summer are to buy a new pair of Jordan 11's, make new friends from church, keep in touch with my old friends. I have one more but that relates to the other one. My time at GMS hasn't been the greatest. But hay its all going to be over in what will probably feel like an hour.I have learned a lot of good things during my time in District 67. Some I will never use in my life and some that I will need to know on a daily basis. There have been many good times that I have shared with my friends and I hope I will not soon forget the fun memories that we share. I know you have meen wondering what my other goals were well the goal for the ending of the year is to get all A's and B's because then I will be able to go to Youth Conference in California with my church group. That is also my goal for my summer but their is something else that ties into Conference. I am going to ask out the girl the I have liked for over 3 years. My goal is for her to say yes. Like I said before Golf is a great place and I can only imagine how much I will miss it in high school.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Favorite fieldtrip
My favorite field trip was when I went to Holly Hill in Wisconsin with my bible study class. We were told to be at church early that day so that we could take attendance and then load the bus for the three hour ride. We had rented a van so that all of us could fit. When we got into northern Illinois and the land started getting hilly. We turned around and looked out of the back window as if we were on a roller coaster. We got to the church and had lunch. We sat around for a little bit and talked about life and the bills we had to pay. When we were all done we went on this trail that had the twelve stages of Jesus carrying the cross and when he was on the cross. When we got to about the sixth one we started waking on our knees, and let me tell you that was painful. Most of the people that were doing it were boys and we all knew that just a little bit of the reason that we were doing this was to impress the girls. We got to the end and half of us were holding back tears. Then it was time for the part we were all waiting for. The walk to the very top of the church. There is a stair well that goes all the way to the highest point of the church and we knew it was going to be hard but we did it anyway. Apparently I had rained the day before and we didn't know that so when we got to the top we all stepped into a big puddle and got water on almost everyone that was under us. We all ran to the side of the wall so that the people would think that it was us. Lastly we went inside the actually church part and we were all stunned at how much art there was. We really didn't know what to do because it was so much more different from our church. The weirdest part was getting communion. It was weird because we were used to the normal bread that we get at our church but here they were giving our souses. We didn't know what to do so we just tool it the way we normally did at our church. But there was something missing. There was no one giving out the wine. We just gave up after that and walked out. That's all I can remember because that was over four years ago.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Diary blog
Today is March thirteenth 2016. I woke up this morning feeling very tiered and wanted to go back to sleep. I looked at my phone and I saw that it was 6:30. I went back to bed expecting that I would have a full day of sleep but as I was going to find I had to wake up for church in a couple hours. The next thing I knew I was woken up by my alarm clock. I looked at my phone and it said it was seven in the morning. I looked at the top corner of my phone and saw that it was actually eight. I started freaking out like I had forgotten something important. I sprang out of bed remembering that I had church to go to. I got ready in a heart beet, woke up my father, and went to church. It wasn't long until I realized that mass was almost over. We finished the prayers and got our Communion. We went down stairs and ate in the youth room. It was pretty fun telling jokes and talking. Most of the people had left and There were only about seven people left. We stayed asked each other what we should do and came to a decision. We wold get our books and stuff from home, Come back and do our homework at church. After we were done doing our homework we called our parents to come pick us up. At home we all sulked about school the next day.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Love post
So, their was once a time where my group of best friends were still missing its final piece of the puzzle. Me. I had walked into the wrong class that day because my class wasn't organised yet. My classmates who had just come from Assyrian class so we went into the next open bible study class. I walked in knowing only two people. Daniel who I had know for a year. He had just came to America from Iraq and he would tell all of us story's of back home. The other person Ella, I had known her since I was younger. Anyway, the teacher was a nice lady with a soft voice. Her name was Juliana. At first look I wondered "How is this lady Assyrian." But right after I thought that I saw her husband. Wow he was huge. I mean wow this guy scared me half to death. Anyway I sat in a chair in the back of the room. So that the people that had always been in the class could fill in the seats in front of me and also so that I don't get called on. After the bible study I walked out. When I got home I told my parents about how good of a preacher my teacher was. The next week her husband Robert came up to me and asked me why I was sitting in the back. So I told him that I was new and I didn't want to get called on. He told me most of the people in the class. I asked him after he was done about the other kids and he said I didn't have to know those people because they won't last. He was right after every bible study I noticed that most of those people weren't coming. I would stay after class most days to help Daniel put up all of the chairs. He introduced me to all of the same people that Robert had. I got to know the teacher very well she would hug me every time she saw me. The people that Daniel and Robert introduces me to where honestly the nicest people I have ever met. They were so welcoming. As time went on and we went on field trips and saw each other I knew that these people were going to be the only friends that I need in my life. I didn't see any of those kids during the week because they all went to Gemini Middle School. But every week I would look forward to going to church and seeing all of them. Sometimes my teacher would open her class an hour early so that we could talk. Sometimes I would skip Assyrian class just so that I could go in and get o know the people better. I noticed that most of the people would pull my teacher to the side and talk to her. One day my teacher came up to me and said "I've seen you look over to me when the students are talking to me and I just wanted you to know that you can talk to me when ever you want, here's my number." I fell in love with her right then and there. Not the kind of love that you have to your girlfriend but the love of a son to his mother. Like wise with Robert he was like a second dad to me and Juliana was like a second mother to me. And as you might have guessed I loved all of my new friends like they were my siblings. Now four years later we are still together and stronger than ever. We are also growing like crazy. When ever a new kid comes the same things happen to them as it did for me.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Larsa's house
We were getting ready to go over to Gena's house for the party. I was so exited to finally see Romile,Chris, Alex, and Larsa again. I had to go to my soccer game that started an hour after we were told to be there. I had gotten everything ready to go. We were off. When we got to Gena's house we were the first ones. That was a surprise, we were never the first ones. We were welcomed into their home, the adults went and sat in the living room and the kids waiting for the others to come in the living room. When Chris arrived he was so happy t see me because we hadn't seen each other since New Years. As with our family the kids rushed into the family room and the adults went into the living room. When Romile came in we knew that that was when the party was really going to start. We had three out of the four squad members here within 10 minuets of each other. My dad had told me not to eat and I knew why but my friends didn't. So, they asked. When I told them that I had a soccer game they were all to happy to come. We made sure it was OK with the parents and we left. When we got to the Y-M-C-A my team was there and the couch was kind of mad that I was late but nothing to big. Romile pulled me to the side and said ''That girl on your team looks a lot like Danielle."" Which Danielle." I replied. He lifter his eyebrows and i knew which one he was talking about. I punched him in his chest, Knocked the wind out of him and walked back into the warm up. We won the game and in the car ride back we had a conversation about how geeky Romile was ( Which is a story for a different time.) We got to the house and went back into Larsa's room and she told us the her friend Marry was coming and Romile and Chris looked at each other and I could tell something was up and Oh yes their was. When Marry walked into the room it felt like the whole room got darker and their was a spot light on her face and her face only. Chris saw me looking at her like that so he gave me a little kick '' Sorry bro." HE said and looked at me and winked. The whole night I was left staring at Marry but she seemed kind off mean. She started yelling at me because I was "In her seat." Bro what kind of joke is this. This isn't an 80's super hero movie where the kid get bullied and the bullies say that exact line. Please. What a night.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
I think that my child wouldn't fit in with the other kids. I also think that he would have a hard time making friends. I think that it would be hard for him to keep a friend because people will bully my child because of his horns, tail, pig nose, and his weight. I think that it will be hard for my son to keep a friend because he won't have many friends in the first place and when the cool kids start to bully my son his friend wouldn't want to be known as the kid who hangs out with him because the cool kids would start bullying him. The cool kid won't exept him because of his interesting features. Teenage boys are like mini Gordon Ramsey's. They find whatever is wrong with the kid and make fun of that. I mean even if he didn't have the horns and the pig nose and only have the big belly issue the bullies would rip him apart. Then if you add in the horns and the pig nose, he will be the laughing tock for the whole school.
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